Over the years music has wormed its way into our homes. From toy microphones to video games centered around rock and roll, the evolution of music room design ideas has finally morphed into sophisticated spaces stuffed with high-end instruments and recording equipment, areas more suitable for music professionals rather than karaoking kids. We’ve selected some of our favorite music rooms to show you so you can see this metamorphosis for yourself, so feel free to scroll through, and remember, rock and roll can never be played too loud.
Tucked away into this Florida home is a high-end recording studio with a state-of-the-art sound system that is often used by this homeowner and his band.
In order to accomodate the rest of the home, this owner had to think very carefully when constructing his music room as the size and shape can have an impact on the amount of noise heard.
White walls and windows give this music room a bright, cheery feel, making work less of a chore.
Rather than tucked subtly into the basement or garage, this music room is right in the entertainment area and is simply begging people to step up and try their hand at one of the various instruments.