To do or not to do the kitchen remodel before the wedding, that was the question for engaged couple Kevin and Caitlin Markward of Muirfield in Dublin. “I knew I wanted something different than what was here,” Kevin remarked of their kitchen. “This is definitely our forever home, it was either do it now or it’s going to have to wait a couple of years.” Teaming up with SemBro Designs, the couple decided to go for it six months before their big day.

Opening up the space was the key design aspect the couple was looking for to cultivate a more connected experience in their kitchen. The new design achieved it by removing a wall to expand the kitchen footprint, relocating a half bathroom out of the main area, and adding a large island in the new space. “We can all be together now without yelling around corners,” Caitlin comments.

White cabinets and countertops along with a gray backsplash and light flooring give the space a brightly neutral aesthetic. “I went with something I knew I wouldn’t get tired of, and I can decorate with color around it,” adds Caitlin. Natural light streams in from the bay windows wrapped around the kitchen sink. “Since we stand there a lot, we wanted the sink in the back of the bay, instead of in the island, so we could enjoy our view.”

Anatoliy Olesh, designer and project manager for SemBro Designs, explains “It was a pretty hefty project with structural and plumbing reroutes. But it went very smoothly, our materials were all there and ready to go on time. We completed the project in approximately two months.” Anatoliy explains SemBro Designs business model is not to start a project until all the materials are ordered and received in their warehouse, which safeguards them from backorders and delays after a project has started. “We adapted as a company, we have a new standard that makes for a great experience for our clients. We do all the prep work beforehand so we are ready to go.”

Like a wedding present, the couple’s new kitchen was finished with time to spare and enjoy before and during their big day.
“We love it. It was on time and on budget. It was a really good experience.” — Kevin
Article by Susan Zingraf | Photos by Mykola Rohantinchuk
Article originally appeared in November 2023