In an evolving world that centers around constant contact and the ability to reach a person at any time of the day through various platforms, one Cleveland family clamored for more privacy. Ajit and Mariel Krishnaney were looking for a change of scene when they bought their Pepper Pike home from friends who had to relocate. Both busy physicians, they still found time to completely re-gut the home and work the shell into something that their family of five could seamlessly slip into. There was one stipulation though: “He would only move there if we fixed up the back yard and added privacy,” Mariel recalls her husband’s request with a chuckle. And that’s just what they did.
The couple did their research, chatting up co-workers who had recently remodeled their own outdoor living spaces and scouring through websites, perusing pretty pictures and making copious notes of who’s work had caught their eye. They eventually settled on Exscape Design, a landscape design firm located in Chesterland. “I just went with my gut feeling, I never even checked their references,” says Mariel.
The feeling was mutual with the team from Exscape. “They were fantastic,” says Bill Dysert, President of Exscape. “It’s all about trusting each other and it’s a give and take relationship.” Bill, along with landscape architect Michael Beightol, helped to craft the spa-like space that the homeowners craved.
After much consideration, Michael was able to come up with a clean design that satisfied everyone involved: a series of “rooms” defined by various structures, like a pergola and a pavilion, two of which include patches of grass dotted with stepping stones.
A pool house with a striking metal roof stands steady between the pergolas, ready to house pesky pool equipment.
There are plenty of gathering spaces scattered around the pool deck. Mariel spends the majority of her time at the pavilion, either concocting a delicious snack behind the counter or perched on a stool helping her kids out with their homework.
The fire pit gets a lot of use at night, after the first of the lightning bugs dot the sky, when all of the essentials for putting together gooey s’mores are brought out for all to enjoy.
In addition to added privacy, Ajit was interested in a pool; Mariel, an outdoor kitchen where she could easily cater to her family and guests. So they decided to include both. A privacy fence hides plush lounge chairs, some in partial shade under the pergolas, and others in full sun on the patio, creating an ideal place for Ajit to unwind after a long day.
The outdoor kitchen contains a shiny silver grill, a side burner, a small fridge for convenience, and a sink for simple cleanup jobs. The grill is always put to good use while Mariel tries out various barbecue recipes.
As time stretches on, the family can’t wait to continue breaking in their new outdoor living space. A Fourth of July party attended by the family’s closest friends was the first shindig, the grand unveiling, as it were, but Mariel is already looking ahead toward fall when everyone will be welcomed back, with sweaters replacing bathing suits and a fire roaring in the pit against the chill in the air, for a clam bake. The first of many.